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Tailings & waste

It is AngloGold Ashanti’s obligation to ensure our mine tailings are stable, non-polluting and contained.

It is AngloGold Ashanti’s obligation to ensure our mine tailings are stable, non-polluting and contained.


    Ensuring that tailings storage facilities are responsibly maintained is crucial to maintaining our licence to operate. Our tailings storage facilities are designed and built to a rigorous set of standards and carefully managed and monitored through a team of internal specialists and independent external experts.

    As of 5 August 2020, all ICMM members, which we are, committed to implementing the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management. This standard, which is available at, has been welcomed by AngloGold Ashanti.

    Our tailings management system is designed to help ensure that risks are identified, recorded and mitigated. Our management approach incorporates mechanisms for reporting risks and tracking mitigation measures with communication delivered to all levels within the business. Our Board and Executive members are kept informed of the status of our TSFs through regular reporting.

    AngloGold Ashanti manages 27 TSFs, with 19 active TSFs, eight of which receive filtered tailings, seven inactive (dormant) TSFs, and one new facility that is under construction. Our TSFs are designed and built to a rigorous set of standards and are carefully managed and monitored through a four-layered assurance system by a team of internal specialists and independent external experts.

    1. Operational management

    • A TSF operator/superintendent manages the day-to-day operation at the TSF
    • A plant or process manager is the TSF “owner” responsible for implementing requirements of the TSF operating manual

    2. Business Unit management

    • Provide technical guidance to operations
    • Conduct quarterly inspections of active TSFs
    • Monitor implementation of recommended actions

    3. Corporate management

    • Custodian of Tailings Management Framework
    • Conduct formal TSF audits annually or biennially
    • TSF review for projects and for mergers and acquisitions

    4. Independent review

    • Independent tailings facility review per the GISTM

    Policies and standards

    For further information, refer to Sustainability Report 2023: Tailings management


    Global industry standard on tailings management

    Strengthening current practices in the mining industry by integrating social, environmental and technical considerations, the Standard covers the entire tailings facility lifecycle – from site selection, design and construction, through management and monitoring, to closure and post-closure.

    With the ultimate goal of zero harm to people and the environment, the Standard sets a global benchmark for achieving strong social, environmental and technical outcomes. It elevates accountability to the highest organisational levels and adds new requirements for independent oversight. The Standard also establishes clear expectations around transparency and public disclosure, helping to improve understanding by interested stakeholders.

    Comprising six Topic areas, 15 Principles and 77 auditable Requirements, the Standard provides a framework for safe tailings facility management while affording Operators flexibility as to how best to achieve this goal.


    COUNTRY Australia Tanzania Guinea Ghana Brazil
    OPERATION Tropicana Geita Siguiri Iduapriem Obuasi MSG CDS Cuiaba Queiroz
    FACILTIY TSF* TSF* TSF* GTSF* Old TSF** Pompora** Koko
    STSF* TSF** CDS I* CDS II** Pilha Sape** TSF** Calcine** Cocuruto* Rapaunha*
    PRINCIPLE 1: Respect the rights of project-affected people and meaningfully engage with them at all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure.
    PRINCIPLE 2: Develop and maintain an interdisciplinary knowledge base to support safe tailings management throughout the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure.
    PRINCIPLE 3: Use all elements of the knowledge base – social, environmental, local economic and technical – to inform decisions throughout the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure.
    PRINCIPLE 4: Develop plans and design criteria for the tailings facility to minimise risk for all phases of its lifecycle, including closure and post-closure.
    PRINCIPLE 5: Develop a robust design that integrates the knowledge base and minimises the risk of failure to people and the environment for all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure and post-closure.
    PRINCIPLE 6: Plan, build and operate the tailings facility to manage risk at all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure and post-closure.
    PRINCIPLE 7: Design, implement and operate monitoring systems to manage risk at all phases of the facility lifecycle, including closure.
    PRINCIPLE 8: Establish policies, systems and accountabilities to support the safety and integrity of the tailings facility.
    PRINCIPLE 9: Appoint and empower an Engineer of Record.
    PRINCIPLE 10: Establish and implement levels of review as part of a strong quality and risk management system for all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure.
    PRINCIPLE 11: Develop an organisational culture that promotes learning, communication and early problem recognition.
    PRINCIPLE 12: Establish a process for reporting and addressing concerns and implement whistleblower protections.
    PRINCIPLE 13: Prepare for emergency response to tailings facility failures.
    PRINCIPLE 14: Prepare for long term recovery in the event of catastrophic failure.
    PRINCIPLE 15: Publicly disclose and provide access to information about the tailings facility to support public accountability.
    • Conformance Progress against conformance Deviation or non-conformance / VH = Very high / E = Extreme / H = High / S = Significant / L = Low
    • Operations: MSG = Mina Serra Grande / CDS = Córrego do Sítio
    • Facility abbreviations: TSF = Tailings Storage Facility / GTSF = Greenfields TSF / STSF = South TSF
    • TSF status: *Active / **Inactive
    • Africa
        Geita Iduapriem Obuasi Siguiri
      "Tailings Facility" Name/identifier Geita TSF Old TSF I TSF Beposo TSF Block 1 Pit Block 2 Pit GTSF Biox TSF Kokoteasua TSF Pompora TSF STSF Siguiri TSF
      Latitude  -2.845327°  -2.865192°   5.248704°   5.272624°   5.242913°   5.238928°   5.233688°   6.208647°   6.219122°   6.223140°   6.193716°  11.518565°
      Longitude  32.174305°  32.181134°  -2.053744°  -2.059733°  -2.030525°  -2.049145°  -2.066815°  -1.713755°  -1.665141°  -1.652891°  -1.718696°  -9.409338°
      Ownership Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated
      Status Active Inactive Inactive Active Inactive Inactive Active Active Inactive* Inactive Inactive Active
      Date of initial operation 2000 1939 2010 2023 1999 2000 2011 2021 1989 1992 1992 2005
      Is the Dam currently operated or closed as per currently approved design? Yes No* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes * Yes Yes
      Raising method Upstream Upstream Upstream Downstream In pit In pit Upstream Downstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream & Downstream
      Current Maximum Height (m) 45.5 17 13 42 N/A N/A 31.5 14 30 65 60 53.5
      Current Tailings Storage Impoundment Volume (m³) 49 000 000 1 900 000 3 400 000 220 000 5 300 000 12 000 000 41 900 000 293 000 2 860 000 24 000 000 38 600 000 140 000 000
      Planned Tailings Storage Impoundment Volume in 5 years time (m³) 89 000 000 1 900 000 3 400 000 8 500 000 5 300 000 12 000 000 41 900 000 537,000 * 800 000 24 000 000 39 700 000 185 300 000
      Most recent Independent Expert Review 2022 2022 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023
      Do you have full and complete relevant engineering records including design, construction, operation, maintenance, and/or closure? Yes No ** Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No* Yes Yes Yes
      Hazard categorisation of this facility based on the consequence of failure, and classification system High – SANS 10286 High – SANS 10286 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – Ghana Minerals & Mining Regulations  LI 2182, 2012 High – SANS 10286
      Extreme – GISTM Low – GISTM Very High – GISTM High – GISTM Significant – GISTM Significant – GISTM Very High – GISTM Significant – GISTM Extreme – GISTM Extreme – GISTM Very High – GISTM Very High – GISTM
      Has this facility, at any point in its history, failed to be confirmed or certified as stable, or experienced notable stability concerns, as identified by an independent engineer (even if later certified as stable by the same or a different firm). No No No No No No Yes* No No No No No
      Do you have internal/in house engineering specialist oversight of this facility? Or do you have external engineering support for this purpose? Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both
      Has a formal analysis of the downstream impact on communities, ecosystems and critical infrastructure in the event of catastrophic failure been undertaken and to reflect final conditions?  Yes  No No Yes  N/A N/A Yes Yes No Yes  Yes  Yes 
      Is there a) a closure plan in place for this dam, and b) does it include long term monitoring? Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes
      Have you, or do you plan to assess your tailings facilities against the impact of more regular extreme weather events as a result of climate change, e.g. over the next two years? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
      Any other relevant information and supporting documentation.  

      * Currently reviewing options for rehabilitation 

      ** Water is not retained on the facility and it is inspected at least annually to provide assurance of stability.

              * Stability concerns were observed in 2018 due to seepage at the liner interface – the TSF has been buttressed to address this concern. * Up to Phase 1. * The facility is currently being re-mined * Closure design is in progress    
    • Americas
        Cerro Vanguardia Corrego do Sitio Cuiaba Queiroz Mina Serra Grande
      "Tailings Facility" Name/identifier CVSA TSF CDS I TSF CdS II TSF Pilha Sape Grota 1 Cuiaba TSF Open Pit Calcine TSF Cocoruto TSF Rapaunha TSF MSG TSF Pit 5 / Cava 5
      Latitude -48.389219° -20.019186° -19.984809° -20.019863° -19.969827° -19.866392° -19.865922° -19.963472° -19.974367° -19.965827° -14.561475° -14.577409°
      Longitude -68.245296° -43.492902° -43.472180° -43.515473° -43.479063° -43.727225° -43.748015° -43.838870° -43.830101° -43.842169° -49.960260° -43.748015°
      Ownership Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated
      Status Active Active* Inactive* Inactive* Active Inactive* Active Inactive* Active* Active* Inactive* Active
      Date of initial operation 1998 1987 1986 1990 2023 2006 2008 1986 1983 1983 1990 2022
      Is the Dam currently operated or closed as per currently approved design? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
      Raising method Downstream Downstream Centre Line Upstream Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Upstream Pit / Upstream
      Current Maximum Height (m) 34 84 13 96 Pit/ Phased 97 40 60 41 56 87 5
      Current Tailings Storage Impoundment Volume (m³) 16 900 000 400 000 9 400 000 3 200 000 50 000 10 500 000 3 000 000 4 400 000 4 200 000 12 100 000 17 100 000 440 000
      Planned Tailings Storage Impoundment Volume in 5 years time (m³) 19 400 000 400 000 9 400 000 3 200 000 2 000 000 10 500 000 3 700 000 4 400 000 4 200 000 12 100 000 17 100 000 1 200 000
      Most recent Independent Expert Review 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023
      Do you have full and complete relevant engineering records including design, construction, operation, maintenance, and/or closure? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
      Hazard categorisation of this facility based on the consequence of failure, and classification system High / High C – ANCOLD High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM) High – Res. 95 (ANM)
      High – GISTM Very High – GISTM Extreme – GISTM Very High – GISTM High – GISTM Extreme – GISTM High – GISTM Extreme – GISTM Extreme – GISTM Extreme – GISTM Extreme – GISTM High – GISTM
      Has this facility, at any point in its history, failed to be confirmed or certified as stable, or experienced notable stability concerns, as identified by an independent engineer (even if later certified as stable by the same or a different firm). No No No No No No No No No No No No
      Do you have internal/in house engineering specialist oversight of this facility? Or do you have external engineering support for this purpose? Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both
      Has a formal analysis of the downstream impact on communities, ecosystems and critical infrastructure in the event of catastrophic failure been undertaken and to reflect final conditions?  Yes Yes Yes  Yes  No* Yes  Yes Yes Yes Yes  Yes No*
      Is there a) a closure plan in place for this dam, and b) does it include long term monitoring? Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes
      Have you, or do you plan to assess your tailings facilities against the impact of more regular extreme weather events as a result of climate change, e.g. over the next two years? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
      Any other relevant information and supporting documentation.   * Used for control of run-off, no tailings deposition takes place. * Deposition for decharacterisation has temporarily ceased * Deposition has temporarily ceased * Deformation analysis planned for 2023 * Deposition  has temporarily ceased   * Deposition has temporarily ceased * Used for control of run-off, no tailings deposition takes place. * Used for control of run-off, no tailings deposition takes place. * Deposition has temporarily ceased * Deformation analysis planned for 2023
    • Australia
        Sunrise Dam Tropicana
      "Tailings Facility" Name/identifier CTD TSF TSF 1 Tropicana
      Latitude -29.112102° -29.077058° -29.232246°
      Longitude 122.454137° 122.445451° 124.552217°
      Ownership Owned and Operated Owned and Operated Owned and Operated
      Status Active Inactive / Rehabilitated  Active
      Date of initial operation 1999 1997 2013
      Is the Dam currently operated or closed as per currently approved design? Yes Yes Yes
      Raising method CTD Downstream Downstream
      Current Maximum Height (m) 34 10 38
      Current Tailings Storage Impoundment Volume (m³) 48 000 000 5 900 000 49 500 000
      Planned Tailings Storage Impoundment Volume in 5 years time (m³) 60 000 000 5 900 000 77 800 000
      Most recent Independent Expert Review 2022 2022 2022
      Do you have full and complete relevant engineering records including design, construction, operation, maintenance, and/or closure? Yes Yes Yes
      Hazard categorisation of this facility based on the consequence of failure, and classification system Significant – ANCOLD Low – ANCOLD High A – ANCOLD
      High – GISTM High – GISTM Very High – GISTM
      Has this facility, at any point in its history, failed to be confirmed or certified as stable, or experienced notable stability concerns, as identified by an independent engineer (even if later certified as stable by the same or a different firm). No No No
      Do you have internal/in house engineering specialist oversight of this facility? Or do you have external engineering support for this purpose? Both Both Both
      Has a formal analysis of the downstream impact on communities, ecosystems and critical infrastructure in the event of catastrophic failure been undertaken and to reflect final conditions? Yes No Yes
      Is there a) a closure plan in place for this dam, and b) does it include long term monitoring? Yes & Yes Yes & Yes Yes & Yes
      Have you, or do you plan to assess your tailings facilities against the impact of more regular extreme weather events as a result of climate change, e.g. over the next two years? Yes Yes Yes
      Any other relevant information and supporting documentation.      

    * Refer to the last row of each table


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Serra Grande achieves full conversion to filtered tailings

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Tailings storage facility management, Brazil
Tailings storage facility management in Brazil

We have engaged with concerned communities to demonstrate the effectiveness of our TSF management systems. In 2019, more the 850 people from our nearby communities participated in visits to TSFs.
