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Corporate governance

Sound governance principles and practices underpin the creation of value and the sustainability of the business, and are at the heart of responsible mining.

Sound governance principles and practices underpin the creation of value and the sustainability of the business, and are at the heart of responsible mining.

AngloGold Ashanti is governed by a unitary Board of Directors, which consists of 11 directors – nine independent non-executive directors and two executive directors.

The Board seeks to ensure AngloGold Ashanti remains a responsible corporate citizen by delivering on its financial performance objectives and pursuing environment, social and governance (ESG) principles, striving to enhance the economic life of host communities and to protect and minimise harm to the environment. The Board acts with independence and its members have the appropriate competencies and experience to execute their fiduciary duties.

A culture of transparent reporting – internal and external – ensures compliance with AngloGold Ashanti’s policies and procedures, and that challenges are addressed as they arise.

As a US-listed entity, the Group is currently governed by the requirements of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the NYSE that apply to foreign private issuers. In establishing its governance practices, the Board has also considered the governance regulations which apply to US domestic issuers and put in place a framework appropriate to its current status and the Board’s ambition.

For further information on our governance practices, see the UK Annual Report 2023.

Our Code

Our Code of Business Principles and Ethics (Code) is fundamental to our culture of performance with integrity. This Code sets out our expectations for the conduct of our directors, employees, contractors and consultants and affirms our commitment to the highest standards of integrity and ethics in the conduct of our business. It addresses:

Compliance with laws and regulations
Fraud, bribery and corruption
Gifts, hospitality and sponsorship
Responsible sourcing
Conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest
Confidential reporting
Compliance risk assessments

In 2023 we launched an updated Code of Business Principles and Ethics to underpin the rollout of AngloGold Ashanti’s new values, demonstrating alignment and consistency of a values-based organisation.

External charters and indices

Effective leadership is not limited to compliance with the applicable rules and regulations. AngloGold Ashanti has also adopted non-binding rules, codes and standards that support AngloGold Ashanti being an effective and ethical corporate citizen.

Without limitation, AngloGold Ashanti is a member of and a signatory to the:

Transparency of Mineral Revenues

As at 31 July 2024

As a member of the ICMM, AngloGold Ashanti is committed to disclosing all mineral development contracts granted or entered into with host governments, since 1 January 2021, where such disclosure is not prohibited by law or regulation*.

We recognize that contract transparency helps to build trust between companies and governments and also companies and citizens.

AngloGold Ashanti has not entered into any mineral contracts or renewals since 1 January 2021.

* See
