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An independent, global gold mining company

Full Year 2024 Results

Our Full Year 2024 results will be released to the market on Wednesday, 19 February 2025. A market call will be held on the same day at 8:00 EST / 13:00 BST / 15:00 SAST

Save the date   Webcast   Conference call

Human Rights Day

At AngloGold Ashanti we honour Human Rights Day on 10 December 2024 by reaffirming our commitment to upholding the dignity and rights of every individual. We stand united with the global community in efforts to promote human rights as a transformative force for good. 

Our message   Human Rights Report   Declaration of Human Rights

Our message

Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December to commemorate adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The principles enshrined in this milestone document are as relevant today as they were in more than seven decades ago.

This year, Human Rights Day will be celebrated under the theme Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now. This theme is a call to acknowledge the importance and relevance of human rights in our everyday lives. AngloGold Ashanti joins the international community as it celebrates Human Rights Day 2024 by recommitting to the upholding human rights across our organization and to focusing on the role of human rights as a transformative force for good.

AngloGold Ashanti is committed to respecting and upholding the fundamental rights laid out in the declaration and our human rights framework is aligned with the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) and other international initiatives, including the United Nations Global Compact and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. We support the vision of a world where everyone can enjoy their universal rights and where business plays its part in upholding these rights. Our commitment is extended to ensuring that human rights are respected by all those who work with our company. We do this through the promotion, adoption and monitoring of human rights among our suppliers and communities.

Declaration of Human Rights     Human Rights Report

Centamin Acquisition

On 22 November 2024, AngloGold Ashanti plc completed the acquisition of Centamin plc.

More information


Full Year 2024

Human Rights Day

10 December 2024

Centamin acquisition


Market prices Data tools

  • NYSE:AU (US$)


  • JSE:ANG (ZAc)


  • GOLD:US$/oz


As at 23:00 SAST on Feb 7, 2025

2023 ESG performance ESG Transparency hub


Bloomberg GEI 2023
Responsible Mining Index [logo]
S&P Global [logo]
FTSE4good [logo]


Man reporting incident [icon]

Reportable environmental incidents


Water droplet with rotating arrows [icon]

Water – proportion reused
70% of total needed to operate
(Efficiency: 0.70kL/tonne treated)

Wind [icon]

GHG (CO2e) emissions

(Efficiency: 34.83t CO2e/tonne of ore treated)

Plug and battery [icon]

Energy consumption

(Efficiency: 0.53GJ/tonne treated)


Clever ideas [icon]

Average number of people employed

33, 658

Gender symbols [icon]

Gender diversity:

of total workforce are female

Band-Aids [icon]

Total recordable injury frequency rate

1.06 per million hours worked

Caring [icon]

invested in communities

Local procurement[icon]

spent on local procurement


Clever ideas [icon]

Unitary Board of Directors – 10 independent non-executive directors and two executive directors

Community incidents [icon]

Governance structures and processes supported by Code of Business Principles and Ethics

Total taxes [icon]

paid to government (including payments made on behalf of employees)

Global community [icon]

AngloGold Ashanti is included in the following ESG indices: Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, Responsible Mining Index, S&P Global

The world of AngloGold Ashanti Corporate profile

AngloGold Ashanti is a global gold mining company with a diverse, high-quality portfolio of operations, projects and exploration activities across nine countries on four continents. We pursue value-creating opportunities involving other minerals, where we can leverage our existing assets, shareholdings, skills and experience.

As at 31 December 2023:


gold produced

silver produced

Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource (gold)

employed on average

market capitalisation

ABC project, Côte d’Ivoire

The ABC Project is in northwest Côte d'Ivoire, approximately 550km northwest of Abidjan and 460km west of Centamin's Doropo project.

AGA Mineração, Brazil

AGA Mineração, in the state of Minas Gerais, comprises the Cuiabá complex and the Córrego do Sítio mining operation and the Cuiabá and Queroz gold plants.

Cerro Vanguardia, Argentina

Located in the province of Santa Cruz, Cerro Vanguardia operates multiple small open pits with high stripping ratios and multiple narrow-vein underground mines that produce gold with silver as a by-product.

Group headquarters, Denver Colorado

Tel: +1 303-889-0700

AngloGold Ashanti North America
6363 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, Suite 1000,
Greenwood Village
CO 80111

Doropo, Côte d’Ivoire

The Doropo project, which comprises seven exploration permits, covering an area of approximately 1,850km2, is in the northeast of Côte d’Ivoire, approximately 480km north of Abidjan.

Geita, Tanzania

Geita, one of AngloGold Ashanti’s flagship mines, is located in north-western Tanzania, in the Lake Victoria goldfields of the Mwanza region, about 120km from Mwanza and 4km west of the town of Geita.

Johannesburg office

Tel: + 27 (0) 11 637 6000

112 Oxford Road,
Houghton Estate
Johannesburg 2198
South Africa

Iduapriem, Ghana

Iduapriem, an open-pit mine comprising the Iduapriem and Teberebie properties and the Ajopa South West concession, is located in the western region of Ghana.

Kibali, DRC

Kibali, one of the largest gold mines of its kind in Africa, is situated in the DRC, adjacent to the town of Doko and 210km from Arua on the Ugandan border.

La Colosa, Colombia

The La Colosa project is located approximately 150km west of Bogota Colombia in Tolima Department. The project is 100% owned and managed by AngloGold Ashanti and has been voluntarily suspended, since 2017, due to force majeure recognised by the national mining authority.

Najd Block (EDX), Egypt

Najd block (1,374km²): 100km northwest of Sukari in the Central Eastern Desert, a potential standalone operation

Nevada district

Nugrus Block (EDX), Egypt

Nugrus block (1,086km2): surrounds the Sukari Mining Concession, a potential satellite deposits and low capex mill feed to the Sukari processing plant

Obuasi, Ghana

Obuasi, an underground operation mining to a depth of 1,500m, is located in the Ashanti region, approximately 60km south of Kumasi.

Perth Office, Australia

AMP Building,
140 St George’s Terrace
Perth, WA 6000
(PO Box Z5046, Perth WA 6831)

Principal executive office and registered office

4th Floor, Communications House
South Street, Staines-Upon-Thames
Surrey, TW18 4PR

Quebradona, Colombia

The Quebradona project is situated in the Middle Cáuca region of Colombia, in the Department of Antioquia, 60km southwest of Medellín within the Municipality of Jericó. The project is 100% owned and managed by AngloGold Ashanti.

Serra Grande, Brazil

Serra Grande, comprising three underground mines and an open-pit, is located in central Brazil in the state of Goiás, about 5km from the city of Crixás.

Siguiri, Guinea

Siguiri is a multiple open pit gold mine in the relatively remote district of Siguiri, around 850km northeast of the country’s capital, Conakry.

Sukari, Egypt

Sukari is a large-scale, modern gold mine comprising both a low-cost bulk tonnage open-pit and a high-grade underground mining operation in Egypt’s Eastern Desert, close to the Red Sea.

Sunrise Dam, Australia

Sunrise Dam is an underground and open pit operation located 220km northeast of Kalgoorlie and 55km south of Laverton.

Tropicana, Australia

Tropicana is comprised of a number of open pits and an underground mine located 200km east of Sunrise Dam and 330km east-northeast of Kalgoorlie.
