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Cerro Vanguardia, Argentina

Located in the province of Santa Cruz, Cerro Vanguardia operates multiple small open pits with high stripping ratios and multiple narrow-vein underground mines that produce gold with silver as a by-product.



Mineral Reserve

Stacked rocks [icon]
of gold

Gold production

Production [icon]

Silver production

Production [icon]

All-in sustaining costs

Costs [icon]

Capital expenditure

Cashflow [icon]


Worker [icon]

Overview and locality

Cerro Vanguardia, in which AngloGold Ashanti has a 92.5% stake, is the Company’s sole operation in Argentina. Fomicruz, a state company, owns the remaining 7.5%.

Cerro Vanguardia is a gold-silver operation with multiple small open pit with high stripping ratios and multiple narrow-vein underground mines that produce gold with silver as a by-product. Three mining methods are used for underground mining: sub-level stoping (bottom-up and top-down), cut and fill, and room and pillar. There is a single tailings dam.

The state road GO-337 passes close to the operation, providing access for logistics. Power for the mine is supplied and purchased in the open market.

A brief history

  • Gold exploration at the site was started in late 1980s by the state owned Fomicruz and Minera Mincorp (JV between Anglo American Argentina Holdings Limited and a local private company, Perez Companc).
  • Cerro Vanguardia began as an open pit operation in 1998 and this was supplemented in 2010 with the start of shallow underground mining to access high-grade mined material.
  • To complement the existing gold plant, a heap leaching operation was started in 2012.
  • The mine has been operated by AngloGold Ashanti since 1998.
Map Argentina,locaton of Cerro Vanguardia