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Greenfields projects, Colombia

Our portfolio in Colombia currently includes Quebradona in the department of Antioquia, and La Colosa in the department of Tolima which remains under force majeure. Our stake in Gramalote was sold during 2023.

Quebradona Ownership


La Colosa Ownership


Mineral Reserve

Stacked rocks [icon]
of gold

Mineral Reserve

Copper resources [icon]
of copper

Overview and locality


The Quebradona project is situated in the Middle Cáuca region of Colombia, in the Department of Antioquia, 60km southwest of Medellín within the Municipality of Jericó. The project is 100% owned and managed by AngloGold Ashanti. Quebradona remains an attractive long-life, high-grade, low-cost project which will add copper production to our portfolio.

Since the decision by Colombia’s national environment agency (ANLA) in November 2021 to archive our environmental licence application for the Quebradona project and confirmation of this decision in April 2022, AngloGold Ashanti has been working to complete the data acquisition required onthe tunnel alignment area. In addition, an optimised feasibility study is underway to implement improvements in water management, operational flexibility, maintainability, and constructability.

AngloGold Ashanti is in the process of preparing a new Environmental Impact Assessment for the Quebradona project to submit to ANLA in 2027 in connection with its environmental licence application.

Watch: Minera de Cobre Quebradona - Mining with purpose


The La Colosa project is located approximately 150km west of Bogota, in the Tolima Department. It is a very large porphyry-style gold deposit discovered by the AngloGold Ashanti Colombia greenfield exploration group in 2006. This wholly owned project is currently under force majeure until the necessary environmental permits are issued.

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