United Nations International Day of Education
United Nations International Day of Education
24 January 2024
AngloGold Ashanti aims to bring economic gain and opportunity to the mining communities in which it works. Today we support the International Day of Education, recognising the significance of education in promoting peace and development. This year the UN’s theme for the day is: “Learning for Lasting Peace”.
In South Africa, we support many educational projects including the Programme for Technological Careers, (PROTEC) an independent non-profit organisation that offers a high-quality education and career support programme in Science, Technology, English, Mathematics (STEM). We back world-of-work life skills training, face-to-face physical tuition on weekends, vacation classes and more. In 2023 the AGA Fund supported 40 learners.
In Australia, we have long-standing partnerships with the Clontarf Foundation and Shooting Stars. These non-government organisations provide education and psychosocial support to Aboriginal boys and girls to equip them to participate more meaningfully in society.
We provided internet services for 10 schools in Argentina, in Puerto San Julián, and our Quebradona project in Colombia supports the Technology and Rural Innovation Programme in collaboration with the Ingenios Corporation. Our Brazil business unit offers a local employment initiative, the “Professional Qualification Programme” for women.
In Ghana the Iduapriem mine, in partnership with GIZ, has implemented a menstrual hygiene initiative in eight basic schools to improve girls’ ability to participate fully in education. At Obuasi mine we support several education initiatives, including distributing textbooks to primary schools to help improve learners’ literacy and numeracy skills. The Geita mine in Tanzania supports several infrastructure projects including the construction of two primary schools (Ludete and Nyampa) and, in Geita District, the Girls Secondary School. At Siguiri in Guinea, the mine supported a number of infrastructure projects, including contributing to the construction of a school in Koron.